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14 results
Batter made with kimchi, vegetables, and flour is cooked and served with a dipping sauce.
Prep: 7 min
Cook: 15 min
Chia seeds, soy milk, and mango puree are combined, rested, and served with toppings.
Prep: 2 min
Cook: 0 min
Rolled oats, nuts, and seeds are mixed, coated with syrup and oil, and baked until crisp.
Prep: 5 min
Cook: 25 min
Tofu is sautéed with spices and combined with tomato sauce before being served with bread.
Frozen bananas, matcha, coconut milk, and sweetener are blended until smooth and served.
Prep: 3 min
A mixture of chia seeds, cocoa powder, PB, oat milk is chilled until thickened, then topped.
Prep: 1 min
Quinoa is cooked with plant milk, mashed bananas, cocoa powder, and topped with fruits.
Cook: 18 min
A blend of bananas, sattu, matcha, and mint is combined into a refreshing smoothie.
Tofu is seasoned with spices, combined with nooch + tahini, then cooked with vegan milk.
Cook: 9 min
A creamy, savory porridge prepared with oats, mushrooms, miso, and topped with chili oil.
Cook: 20 min
Ripe bananas are mashed, mixed with oats and cinnamon, then baked into soft, gooey cookies.
Prep: 10 min
Chickpeas are mashed, sautéed with spices & veggies, then combined with spinach and cooked.
Yellow mung dal (lentil) is blended with spices, cooked until doughy, then scrambled.
Oats, veggies, and seasonings are simmered until creamy, then garnished before serving hot.
Cook: 10 min
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